Articles by "Blogging"

How Bloggers Make Money from Blogging 

How Bloggers Make Money from Blogging
As a blogger, the uplifting news is you have a wide assortment of alternatives available to you to create income with your site. My top choice routines for income era are through offshoot advertising, on site publicizing and building a brand for myself.

Here is a full keep running down on a portion of the top approaches to create income with your online journal.

Private Ad Sales / Banner Advertising  

The most clear and surely understood system for producing wage on line when all is said in done, is offering pennant promotion space on a site or blog. In the good 'ol days, it was about the 468x60 pennants, yet now standards are accessible in each size, and we frequently see the 125x125 advertisement spots offering on generally writes. Offering your own flag advertisement space on a web journal is a superb technique for producing a repeating wellspring of income quite a long time.

Affiliate Marketing  

Creating income on your web journal by means of subsidiary showcasing can come in numerous structures. You can put pennants on your site, make content connections, or even compose articles around a particular subject of hobby. In each of the three of these situations, offshoot advertising strategies can be utilized.
The main concern is, you are setting up connections on your site, and getting paid a commission at whatever point a particular activity (keep in mind from prior parts CPC, CPA… ) happens with respect to interfaces.

Contextual Advertising  

Not all content promotions are made equivalent, particularly on a web journal. As an online journal proprietor, you can connection to different sites, items on the other hand administrations utilizing member connections. Any deals coming about because of snaps to these locales will bring about a commission. There are likewise numerous publicizing and promoting organizations that need to place paid content connection promoting on sites and websites.

While this is by and large disapproved of by Google, (on the grounds that it's a paid system for increasing back connections) a hefty portion of these content join promotions are as yet producing a great many dollars.

Creating Your Own Product  

Potentially one of the best long haul and gainful arrangements for an online journal is to illuminate and advance your very own result!

With your own item, not just are you fabricating a brand, in any case, you are likewise keeping the majority of the benefit. When you are ready to make your own item, you have the universe of member showcasing accessible to advertise that item.

Membership Driven 

It's elusive anything superior to anything a seemingly endless amount of time lingering wage found with a paid participation site/ web blog, however the procedure of building a paid participation is extremely intense. While making a web journal that you anticipate perusers to pay for, you must make and offer something unique that gives genuine quality to your perusers.

Once a blogger puts in the diligent work of building up a genuine quality to their perusers and can effectively make a torment enrollment program, you can hope to see income bounce ten fold, and now on a month to month repeating premise.

Blog Reviews 

Composing audits on your online journal is a fantastic approach to produce additional income. At the point when composing an audit, you have the choice to expound on any item, site or administration, also, you can connection to the offer through a subsidiary project, winning a commission on any deals. Another option is "paid audits", where you basically do a survey on an online journal or site at a set cost. Try to take after all "divulgence" strategies when composing paid surveys, and dependably be straightforward.

Try not to risk your image by prescribing something you haven't by and by experienced. Indeed, even paid audits can be not exactly stellar, keep up your respectability at all time.

Getting Traffic to Your Blog

Proven Methods for Free Traffic
Having a blog with a great design and killer content is an amazing start, but you still need to get new traffic to your blog. In this section I highlight a few of the top methods for bringing free quality and niche traffic to your blog.

Facebook Fan Pages  
I’m sure most of you are already on Facebook, but how many of you are also “fans” of other products and web sites on Facebook? Did you know you can create a fan page for a blog? It’s simple, easy and free. The best part is, once someone becomes a fan of your blog, they will then be able to see your blog updates when they are using Facebook.

Just like Facebook, it seems everyone is on Twitter too. Companies and web sites are quickly catching on and creating new Twitter pages for each of their sites and products. Creating a Twitter account for your blog is another effective way to bring in a new readership, build a following and display your RSS feeds and updates directly to users while on Twitter.

Article Writing
How many times have you searched Google for something and ended up on a site like “”? This is the result of article marketing. has become an extremely large web site and a very useful resource. You can create a free author account on their site, add quality articles and content, then at the bottom of the article, you can link back to your web site. Having articles featured on popular sites that rank well in search engines can bring a lot of free quality targeted traffic.
Forums & Social Networking Signatures  
If you are going to be writing a blog on a niche topic that you enjoy, there is a good chance you are currently interacting with other users in that same niche area. One of the most popular methods for doing this is through a forum. For any forums, chat room and social networking sites that you are a member of, be sure to add your blog information so others can visit your site.

Social Networking & Directories
The method of manually adding a web site or blog to your browser by clicking “Add to Bookmarks” is quickly going to rest. Instead, social networking, rss feeds and blog directories are becoming the preference for bookmarking. Make sure that your blog includes all of the major social networking buttons and that your blog is listed in all major blog directories like Technorati and BlogCatalog.

Commenting on Blogs
What are the most popular blogs in your niche area? If you aren’t commenting on these blogs, then you should be. Create an eye catching Gravatar/Icon for your comments and use your blog url in the web site field, and you should start seeing visitors to these sites clicking over to yours, based on your comments. After a few weeks of commenting, look at your traffic stats to see which blogsm are sending you the most blog traffic and focus on them.

Guest Posting on Blogs
Go a step above commenting. Find relevant blogs in your niche and ask if they can publish a guest post. Most blog owners are very busy and probably already have a lot of unread email in their inbox. If you are already contributing to their blog by commenting often, most would be more accepting of your blog post contribution than some random person emailing them. When requesting to write a guest post on a blog, it is recommended that you write your guest post and send it along with your email. This way the blog owner can see your work, and if interested, they can schedule it for a future post. If the blog owner comes back and says they are not interested, simply find another blog and send them the same guest post.

5 Steps to  Making  Your Blog  Stand Out

1]  Memorable / Recognizable Logo 
One of the first things you notice when you get to the Vuthyseo blog is the big caricature of yours truly in the top left corner. Not only is it a character of me, but it’s also well branded with a dollar sign on the shirt, money in the hand and most importantly a crown, referring to my parent company “MoneyReign”. Since going live with the ZJ site, there is no doubt that the Zac Johnson toon is now a well branded symbol in the affiliate space, and has greatly contributed to the overall success of the site.

2]  A Unique Header Design 
While the top of the blog may seem to look busy and have a lot going on, it surely beats the dead white space of a basic wordpress theme. Within the header space of my blog, I’m able to get my branding and name across, while offering full site navigation, RSS subscriber information and even some high profile advertising spots.

3]  Featured and Most Popular Blog Posts 
With over 650 total individual blog posts written thus far on, how are my new readers supposed to find the best posts I’ve published. In the “Best of Zac” section near the header, you will see five of my most popular blog posts rotating on the site. It’s important to highlight your best blog posts and grab the attention of your new readers before they decide to move on.

4]  Custom Footer and Author Bio 
It’s not the most important feature on the site, but it sure is a nice closing. At the bottom of most blogs you will find a simple sitemap or copyright message. Take advantage of the footer on your blog and create something interesting… it’s probably your last shot at grabbing the user’s attention before they click off to somewhere else. In my footer I simply added an author bio, site map, partner sites and a short list of recommended affiliate networks. I also remind user one more time with the logo to keep that branding issue in the back of their minds.

5]  Plugins, Sidebars and More 
Throughout the blog I also take advantage of some great wordpress plugins that help my social media exposure, additional advertising spots on my side bar and further navigation options to roam around the site. It’s important to add a lot of creativity to your blog, while offering enough options to keep your users interested, but not overwhelmed.

Setting Up Your First Blog & Web Hosting

Blogging has gained so much interest over the past years, that it’s now easy for anyone to get a blog up and running. You have the option of running a free blog through, but I would not recommend this method. Setting up your blog on a free host may seem like a good idea, but you will find you are limited on what you can do with your site, you are reliant on other people’s web hosting and you will end up with a domain that looks something like this, A url such as this will not be taken very seriously.

Fortunately, the best web site hosting companies in the business have realized there is a huge demand for bloggers who want low cost hosting, with all the perks of having their own domain and
complete ownership of their blog. Companies like HostGator and BlueHost have made it extremely
simply for you to sign up for your own domain, web hosting and even going live with your blog in a single click. Since most of my blog readers are already advanced in this area, I’m only going to briefly touch on this topic.

How to Quickly Setup Your New Blog
You need to immediately seize the moment while you are in the action mode and reading this ebook. The majority of people who are reading this guide will want to take everything in, and then WAIT for a business idea, then wait for support from others or some other excuses not to get started now. That is one of the worst things you can do. Sure, making money online isn’t for everyone... but there is only one way to find out. Do it! Within only a matter of minutes, you can have your domain and
blog up and running. I highly recommend using HostGator as your web host. I recommend HostGator not only because they are ranked one of the top web hosting companies, but also because they have a very simple wordpress installation process.

Setting up your web hosting account with HostGator can be as low as $4.95 a month. That’s nearly the cost of one high end cup of coffee!
For more web site and blog hosting features, visit the Web Hosting

How to Find a Profitable Blog Topic

When trying to select a topic to write about, make sure it can grow and be expanded into something worthwhile and profitable to your readership.
The ability to expand is critical. Cooking is a good example of a blogging topic that many are passionate about, it can also expand in size and profitability. How many people search Google every
day for recipes, purchase cookbooks and want to save money while shopping? In this one example, we find three quick topics that you could cover on your blog. All three of these topics have  a high interest as shown by Google, and a strong potential for revenue generation.

Without knowing anything about advertising, here are the best ways to find out if your blogging niche can be a profitable one.

Search Your Potential Competition
One of the best ways to search and find what advertisers and offers are working in your niche market, is to see what your competitors are doing. Head over to Technorati’s Blog Directory and choose a topic that is related to your niche.
You can use Technorati’s search form, or their directory categories. From the categories list, let’s choose “Foods”. You can see right away there are over 6,000 blogs listed in the “food” section alone. What also grabs your eyes is a preview of each blog listed. Browse through the blogs listed, study how each of these sites are designed, what they talk about and if they have any advertising/revenue generation. Is their content providing value to their readership?

Don’t be discouraged. The sites you find in Technorati may already be well established and have a lot of traffic. It’s important to realize they are targeting the same niche audience you are going to create a blog for, so it’s critical to learn what’s out there and working prior to starting your blog.

Google Keywords & Pay Per Click Stats
One of the easiest and most effective ways to search general interest in your topic, amount of advertisers and search volume, is to simply use Google. Google offers many tools to their site users, but especially for their advertisers. Two tools you must know and learn about are the following:

Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Google Adwords Traffic Estimator
The reason why I had you look at Technorati’s Blog Directory first,
is so you have a good idea of a few top sites in your niche. You can
now use that same list and incorporate your data with Google’s
traffic tools.

Choosing Your Blog Topic?

The toughest part of starting a new blog, is deciding what you are going to write about! It sounds cliché, but in all honesty, if  you choose something you are passionate about, you are much  more likely to succeed. Choosing a blog topic you have little or  no interest in just won’t cut it. When you are passionate about the topic, your blog content will show it. This is what readers are looking for.
Let’s break down your potential blog topics into three categories; Personal, Branding, for Profit.

The Personal Blog 
There is nothing wrong with having a personal blog, as long as you fill it with personal content. It would be very difficult to create a personal blog, then try and monetize it down the road. The majority of personal blogs are never meant to generate income, but instead simply to inform, and are
usually a first attempt at creating a blog. If you are going to create a blog for profit and potentially sell it the future, be sure not to use your actual name as the domain name, as this limits its use for anyone else.

Branding Blog 
What are you good at, or known for? Whether it is your business, profession or even a hobby... blogging for branding is a great idea. As a “brand” blog, you will want to continually add new posts about your expertise and keep all topics tightly on target with your niche topic. Once you establish your creditability and audience, advertisers in this same niche will flock to advertise on your blog.

Blogging for Profit 
Some want to blog for profit, but it takes more than creating a blog with a few affiliate links. It’s not easy to make money through blogging, but with full dedication and a business mindset from the start, it can make your success that much easier. An excellent way to blog for profit is to find a product or service you have an interest in, and build a blog around it.  Continually build up content, reviews
and resources to become a top blog within your niche community. It is also important to do the proper research and see if that individual product already has an affiliate
program you can tie into.


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