A British man was found dead in a rented house

Phnom Penh: A British man was found dead in a rented house that the incident caused shock and 3 pm 30 pm on 17 October 2015 at the rented house No. 10 EUR 1 110 Street neighborhood shopping center 1 Daun Penh, Phnom Penh.

British victims named WOODGATE COLIN RI CHARD 45-year-old male, a tourist passport number 3084318 is currently staying at home rent scene.

After forensic Dr. Russell Sanath care doctor Phnom Penh Municipal Court concluded that the victim died from the disease heart attack.

Currently, the statutory body in the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital - Soviet waiting for relatives to celebrate the traditional materials of all the victims handed over immigration office to save the victim's relatives.

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